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Mode of Operation

Commission is a collegium-type body, having, thereby, no supreme body-governing official, but adopts all decision by a majority vote of its members.

Commission  works in sittings.

Chairperson of the Commission shall convene the sittings of the Commission, at her/his own initiative, or on the proposal of at least one third of the Commission members.  

Convocation of the sitting of the Commission, together with the Agenda proposal, shall be forwarded to the members and substitute members of the Commission in written form, as a rule, and, if needed, the sittings may be convened by phone or in another appropriate way.

Commission shall operate and make valid decisions if attended by the majority of its members, or their substitutes.

Commission shall pass decisions by majority vote of all the members of the Commission in permanent, i.e. extended composition.

Sittings of the Commission shall be held in the seat of the Commission. If the need may arise, the sittings of the Commission may be held he on the premises of the National Assembly in 14 Kralja Milana Street.

Commission shall adopt the Rules of Procedure on its operation, in line with Article 34, paragraph 2  of the Law on Election of Members of Parliament.

Commission passed the Rules of Procedure on January 23, 2012, published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No 5/12.

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